Protocol against sexual harassment
In this document, we as Fight Game Academy have laid down how, by encouraging desired behaviour and avoiding risk situations, we try to prevent sexual harassment within the club. Next, we will discuss how we deal with situations in which this does happen/threatens to happen. Finally, we will elaborate on what sanctions are possible if a situation does not come to a resolution.
Promoting desirable interaction
It is very important for budokas to feel safe in their sports environment. This includes not allowing them to feel sexually harassed. To minimise the risk of this, we have drawn up a number of rules of engagement. These rules can be found below.
- I accept and respect others as they are and do not discriminate. Everyone counts within the club.
- I take into account the limits set by the other person.
- I do not bother the other person.
- I do not harm the other person.
- I do not abuse my position of power in any way.
- I do not swear or make mean jokes or comments about others.
- I do not ignore the other person.
- I do not participate in bullying, making fun of or gossiping.
- I do not fight, I do not use violence, I do not threaten the other person, I do not take weapons.
- I do not get too close unwanted and do not touch the other person against their will.
- I do not give the other person unwanted sexual attention.
- I do not ask inappropriate questions or make unwelcome comments about someone's personal life or appearance.
- If someone annoys or bothers me, I ask him/her to stop. If that does not help, I ask someone else for help.
- I help others to abide by these agreements as well and speak to those who do not abide by them and report this to the board if necessary.
The above rules are already made known to all our members upon registration and they must agree to them before they can become members.
Besides the general rules of manners, we also apply additional rules for trainers, coaches and others who play an active role around youth budoka (hereafter: 'supervisors').
These are the following rules:
- The supervisor must provide an environment and atmosphere in which the budoka can feel safe.
- The coach shall refrain from treating the budoka in a way that affects the budoka's dignity and from intruding further into the budoka's private life than is necessary within the framework of the sport practice.
- The coach shall refrain from any form of (power) abuse or Sexual Harassment towards the budoka.
- Sexual acts and sexual relations between the supervisor and the youth budoka up to sixteen years of age are not permissible under any circumstances and are considered Sexual Abuse.
- The chaperone may not touch the budoka in such a way that the budoka and/or the chaperone can reasonably be expected to perceive this touch as sexual or erotic in nature, as will usually be the case when deliberately touching (or having touched) genitals, buttocks and breasts.
- The supervisor shall refrain from (verbal) sexual intimacies through any means of communication.
- During training(s), competitions and travel, the supervisor shall treat the budoka and the space in which he/she is, such as the changing room or hotel room, with respect and reserve.
- The supervisor has a duty - as far as it is in his/her power - to protect the budoka from harm and (power) abuse as a result of Sexual Harassment. Where it is known or regulated who looks after the interests of the (young) budoka, the supervisor is obliged to cooperate with these persons or bodies so that they can perform their work properly.
- The supervisor will not give the budoka any (im)material compensation with the apparent intention of asking for quid pro quo. Nor will the supervisor accept any financial reward or gifts from the budoka that are disproportionate to the usual or agreed fee.
- Supervisor will actively ensure that these rules are observed by everyone involved with the budoka. If the supervisor observes behaviour that is not in accordance with these rules of conduct, he will take the necessary action(s).
- In cases not (directly) covered by these rules, it is the supervisor's responsibility to act in the spirit of these rules.
We also require all supervisors to submit a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG).
Resolving situations of sexual harassment
If a situation arises where a member still feels sexually harassed, they can contact Sem Schilt or the martial arts authority's confidential contact person (VCP). This can be reached via:
Some of the sanctions are external to the club, such as prosecution for violation of articles of the Penal Code. However, internal sanctions may be imposed by the board after consultation with the VCP. In doing so, the board puts the collective interest of its members above any individual interest of a member.