Michel Tentij

Michel Tentij is 51 years old and has been passionate about budo sports since his youth. His journey started at the age of six with youth Judo, where he laid a solid foundation and developed his love for the sport of budo. While preparing for his first dan, he took part in dance competitions, but unfortunately had to stop to focus on his studies.
During his studies he was introduced to Taekwondo, where he learned new kicking techniques, punching techniques and katas. Yet Japanese budo sports always felt like a stronger attraction for him. After a few years he decided to switch to Jiu Jitsu, and since then he has felt completely at home there. The versatility of Jiu Jitsu, with its wide range of techniques and the ability to integrate elements from other budo sports, makes it the perfect sport for him. In addition to techniques such as full-contact sparring, parries, throws and ground techniques such as in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Jiu Jitsu also includes self-defense against attacks with weapons. This versatility keeps the sport challenging and always offers new opportunities to grow both physically and mentally.
He currently trains with Bruinsma in Stadskanaal and takes monthly internships to expand his repertoire and meet other Jiu Jitsuka’s. Under the guidance of Gerrie Dusseljee and Paul van Wijk, he now obtained his second dan and is busy preparing for his next dan degree. Gerrie provides Jiu Jitsu training on Friday evenings at The Fight Academy.